Send Fax List is a free program to send faxes to a list of numbers.
It is specially designed to use 56k data modem to send faxes using your telephone line. This program will detect the modems installed in your system, and you will be able to choose which one you want to use when sending faxes. Send Fax List can send via fax TIFF documents. The TIFF format is widely used by many scanners to save the images they capture. You can tell the program where is the TIFF file that you want to send as a fax. It is possible to create a list of Fax Phone Numbers that the program can dial to send the faxes. The program will show you a window where you will see the Log information (the actions performed, like COM detection, status, dialing, etc.). The user can also tell the program to save this Log information in a text file. The program´s interface shows a section, titled Fax Properties, where you will be able to see the values that it will use when using your modem fax. They are usually OK, but you can customize them, if necessary.